Experimental All The Places <-> OpenStreetMap matcher

ATP is a great resource that can be used (and should be used!) to improve OpenStreetMap data. ATP is based on what various chain list themselves about own shops on their websites. We can use this to improve OpenStreetMap data, like we can use opening hours posted on shop door.

There is a massive potential here to update opening hours without visiting each shop, detecting missing shops in OSM data, finding outdated OSM entries listing now closed shops and more.

Please, do not copy it blindly and verify correctness. Some data will be hopefully suitable for automatic upload but please take care. For example following issues were found and fixed already during early work on this matcher:

It should be expected that many more entries have similar problems. Importing them without review is not a good idea, though once given spider for given brand was reviewed it has great potential for continous imports.

Note that this section above should be understood as "ATP is trying to do a hard, interesting thing" - and that it its data quality is not ideal. With careful use it can very significantly help in improving OpenStreetMap data.

Please create an issue or send me an OSM private message if you see a potential for improvements. If potential improvements are in All The Places - better to create PR or issue there. If unsure, please write to me.

Shop listing

Currently for each chain the same maps are being generated




United States

United Kingdom



New Zealand

Published on https://matkoniecz.codeberg.page/improving_openstreetmap_using_alltheplaces_dataset/